Thursday, April 20, 2006

Diaspora: 華裔建築師 賀昌申 on Taiwanese Architecture

Diaspora. Architecture. Taiwan
台灣. 建築 - 選擇性記憶,遺忘與流移

建築師 賀昌申 Kenneth Huo Architect
Palo Alto/Pescadero, California, USA

20世紀台灣建築(Taiwanese Architecture in the 20th Century)
李乾朗(Chien-lang Lee)
三峽歷史文物館:老舊建築之再生利用(San-hsia Cultural Exhibition Hall:Renaissance of old construction )
享綠文化(Hsiang-lu Culture)
山城古厝:南投縣傳統民宅調查(Surveys of Traditional Civilians' Residences at Nantou County)
陳俊傑(Chuen-Cheh Chen)
六堆客家建築欣賞(The Appreciation of the Hakka Architecture of Liutui in Kaohsiung County)
劉盛興(Sheng-hsing Liu)
日治時期台灣建築(1895─1945)(Taiwanese architecture during Japanese Occupancy (1895- 1945))
傅朝卿(Chao-ching Fu)
日治時期桃園地區的建築文化資產(The architectural assets of Taoyuan During the Japanese Occupancy Period)
林一宏(Yi-hong Lin)
水垵的建築(Architecture of Shui-an Village)
楊博淵(Yang Po-yuan)
古來的天地:彰化縣古蹟導覽手冊(Ancient Field: Guidebook for historic sites in Changhua county)
李奕興(Yi-shing Lee)
古蹟入門(Introduction to the Ancient Buildings)
李乾朗,俞怡萍(Chien-lang Lee &Yi-ping Yu)
台南市日據時期歷史性建築(Historical Buildings during the Japanese-Occupied Period in Tainan City)
傅朝卿編著(Chao-ching Fu)
台灣古厝風華(The Elegance of the Old-Style Historical Houses in Taiwan)
吳炳輝(Ping-hui Wu)
台灣老街圖鑑(Pictorial Books of Old Streets in Taiwan)
沈文台文‧攝影(Photography and written by Wen-tai Shen)
台灣的考古遺址(Archeological sites in Taiwan)
劉益昌(I-chang Liu)
台灣的城門與砲台(City Gates and Ports of Taiwan)
戴震宇;金炫辰繪圖(Tseng-yu Tai, with illustrations by Hsien-chen Chin)
光明淨域:艋舺龍山寺(The Lung-shan Temple of Mengchia)
顏倉吉攝影(Photographed by Tsang-ji Yan)
李騰芳古宅之研究與導覽(A Study and Guided Tour of Teng-fang Lee's Ancient House)
藍植銓,伍壽民(Chih-chuan Lan & Shou-min Wu)
南瀛古早建築(Ancient Buildings Located in Tainan County)
許文綺主編(Wen-ch'ih Hsu, ed.)
故園情:屏東閩南建築欣賞(Remembrance of Old Gardens: Appreciation of the Southern Fukienese Style Buildings Located in Pingtung County)
劉盛興(Sheng-hsin Liu)
桃園民居調查報告書(A Report on the Surveys of Residential Buildings at Taoyuan County)
賴志彰計劃主持(Chih-chang Lai, as editor-in-chief)
桃園縣大溪街的聚落與建築(Flockings and Architecture in the Streets Located at Da-hsi in the Taoyuan County)
林一宏、張朝博、楊秋煜(Yi-hung Lin, Chao-po chang &Chiu-yu Yang)
神岡筱雲山莊(Hsiaoyung Villa at Shenkang County)
李乾朗(Chien-lang Lee)
淡水馬偕系列建築的地方風格(The Local Style of Mackay Architecture at Tamshui)
高燦榮(Tsan-lung Kao)
新竹縣古蹟圖文集(A Collection of Relics of Hsinchu County)
范明煥等(Ming-huan Fan, et al.)
嘉義縣日治時期建築研究(A Study of Architecture at Chiayi County during the Japanese –Occupied Period)
傳朝卿(Chao-ching Fu)
嘉義縣歷史建築調查(Surveys of Historical Buildings in Chiayi County)
李乾朗編著(Chien-lang Lee, ed.)
摘星山莊:九天星斗煥文章(Chehsin Villa Brilliantly Shown with Stars in Heaven)
康諾錫(Lo-Hsi Kang)
臺北市:古蹟簡介(A Brief Introduction to the Relics in Taipei Metropolis)
李乾朗(Chien-lang Lee)
臺北建築MAP(The Map of the Taipei Architecture)
施植明(Chi-ming Shi)
臺灣建築閱覽(Architecture of Taiwan)
李乾朗(Chien-lang Lee)
臺灣傳統建築(The Ancient Architecture of Taiwan)
李乾朗(Chien-lang Lee)
澎湖地方傳統民宅之裝飾藝術(Decorative Art of Civilians' Houses on the Pescadores(Penghu))
林世超(Shih-tsao Lin)
澎湖傳統合院與歷史建築(Traditional Courtyard Houses and Historical Buildings in Penghu)
林世超,張宇彤;林文鎮編輯(Shi-chao Lin & Yu-tong Chang; Edited by Wen-chen Lin)

Breakaway - Taiwanese Architecture, Diaspora?

台灣. 建築- 選擇性記憶,遺忘與流移

Social & Cultural Identity of Taiwanese Architecture in the Realm of 21 Century

建築師 賀昌申 Kenneth Huo
Architectural Diaspora

Contemplating...History, Geography, Cultural Identity

Taiwan was inhabited by aborigines of Malayan descent when Chinese from the areas now designated as Fukien and Kwangtung began settling it in the 7th century, becoming the majority. The Portuguese explored the area in 1590, naming it “the Beautiful” (Formosa). In 1624 the Dutch set up forts in the south, the Spanish in the north. The Dutch forced out the Spanish in 1641 and controlled the island until 1661, when Chinese general Koxinga took it over and established an independent kingdom. The Manchus seized the island in 1683 and held it until 1895, when it passed to Japan after the first Sino-Japanese War. Japan developed and exploited Formosa. It was the target of heavy American bombing during World War II, and at the close of the war the island was restored to China.

After the defeat of its armies on the mainland, the Nationalist government of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan in Dec. 1949. Chiang dominated the island, even though only 15% of the population consisted of the 1949 immigrants, the Kuomintang. He maintained a 600,000-man army in the hope of eventually recovering the mainland. Beijing viewed the Taiwanese government with suspicion and anger, referring to Taiwan as a breakaway province of China.The UN seat representing all of China was held by the Nationalists for over two decades before being lost in Oct. 1971, when the People's Republic of China was admitted and Taiwan was forced to abdicate its seat to Beijing.Chiang died at 87 of a heart attack on April 5, 1975.

His son, Chiang Ching-kuo, continued as prime minister and was a dominant figure in the Taipei regime. In April 1991, President Lee Teng-hui formally declared an end to emergency rule, which had existed since Chiang's forces originally occupied the island. In the first full election in many decades, the governing Kuomintang in Dec. 1991 won 71% of the vote, affirming the island's opposition to reunification with China. In Feb. 1993 the president, himself a native Taiwanese, nominated Lien Chan, another native, to be prime minister, marking a further generational shift away from the mainland exiles.Democracy?In the island's first free presidential election, voters defied mainland intimidation and gave 54% of the vote to incumbent president Lee Teng-hui.

In 1998, Taiwan renewed its push for a separate UN seat—its sixth attempt in recent years. The move has been blocked each time by the Beijing government.President Lee Teng-hui rankled mainland China by announcing in July 1999 that he was abandoning the longstanding “One China” policy that had kept the peace between the small island and its powerful neighbor and that he would from then on deal with China on a “state-to-state basis.”

China, which had vowed to someday unite Taiwan with the mainland, retaliated by conducting submarine warfare exercises and missile tests near the island in an effort to intimidate its tiny brazen neighbor, as it had once before in 1996.In the March 2000 presidential race, voters elected pro-independence candidate Chen Shui-bian of the Democratic Progressive Party, ending more than 50 years of Nationalist rule.Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization in Jan. 2002, just one day after China gained entry. In August President Chen outraged China when he asserted that Taiwan and China are separate countries and that a referendum on independence for Taiwan is a “basic human right.”The day before the March 20, 2004, elections, President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Annette Lu survived an assassination attempt.

Chen won the election over Lien Chan by just 30,000 votes out of 13 million cast. The country's first-ever referendum failed because less than 50% of eligible voters weighed in on its questions. The referendum asked if Taiwan should arm itself with additional defensive weapons if China does not withdraw its missiles and if Taiwan should continue to negotiate with China.Tension between China and Taiwan intensified in March 2005, when China passed an antisecession law that said the country could use force if Taiwan moved toward achieving independence. “The state shall employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the legislation stated. Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian called the bill a “law of aggression.” Hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese took to the streets to protest the bill.In 2005, China met with several Taiwanese opposition leaders in an effort to undermine Taiwan's defiant president.

Lien Chan, who heads the opposition Nationalist Party, traveled to China in April and met with President Hu Jintao. It was the first meeting between Nationalist and Communist Party leaders since 1949, when the defeated Nationalists retreated to Taiwan. Lien called the visit a “journey of peace.” In May, Hu met with another opposition leader, James Soong, chairman of the People First Party. In a joint communiqué intended to restart negotiations between Taiwan and China, they agreed to a principle of “two sides of the strait, one China.”President Chen tested China in February 2006, when he announced that he was rescinding the National Unification Council, a group that was established in 1990 to deal with reunification issues with China. He stopped short of abolishing the council, saying, “Taiwan has no intention of changing the status quo.”

Architectural Dispora...