Tuesday, March 27, 2007


— 面向綠建築及加州史丹福大學傑斯柏嶺生態保護區研究站永續建築記實

文/賀昌申 Kenneth Huo安瑟頓 Atherton, California


在美國西海岸北加州舊金山半島底西南側,隸屬史丹福大學,以教育研究為導向的傑斯柏嶺生態保育區(簡稱JRBP,全名為Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve),草原緩丘的地景,位在海岸山脈茂密的紅木叢林裡,基地約一千二百公畝。巨觀來看,或許與數世紀之前西班牙裔海征航向新大陸,從金門灣登陸南行探索路徑所見,及至今世紀,我們稱為矽谷(Silicon Valley)的啟始點,以半導體的發明,由e世代、DOT-COM的數位數據徹底改變人類文明生活,造就新一族「探險資本家」(Venture Capitalist),改變不大。但從微觀的角度上,從精準的科學研究裡,從渾沌看自然的脈動,面對極端氣候變遷頻率及強度改變,全球暖化溫室氣體排放無從遏止,加上境外工業國經濟體對能源飢渴,對任何在地性(Local)視聽生息的影響,永續發展,並且從一個小型生態模式中尋找保育生物環境,土地水文福利,是迫切而必要的!


在2002年,當史丹福大學在考量為傑斯柏嶺生態保育區做研究工作的科學家及學子們建造一棟研究站(Field Station)時,為了不造成環境與建築使用上的衝突,減低保育區開發對原土地母體的承載力,並且尋求在建築物理機能建造及使用上持續能傳達自然生息的智慧及自明性,在籌畫過程中得到了一位台灣移民,現居艾瑟頓(Atherton)的探險資本家—富商孫先生(Tony Sun)的襄助,而建成了這一棟地坪面積一萬三千兩百平方呎,總造價三百二十九萬美金,並且能達成在每年能源消耗量中的碳排量值為零污染的綠建築,幸運的史丹福大學研究員、學生及全世界對生態保育研究最尖端的一級科學家,在往後的世世代代都可以到這處以紀念孫先生因癌症病逝的夫人,且以夫人之名命名的「Leslie Shao-Ming Sun Field Station」萊斯理‧孫研究站,來研究及思索面對人類永續生存的大課題。


地球的生息,大自然的噫氣,如莊子所載「夫大塊載我以形,勞我以生,佚我以老。」原來就是纏纏綿綿,難捨難分的伴侶,母與子一般的關係,縱然天地之間原本是渾沌之地,人的存在演化,在突兀當中存在開鑿七竅,無所不用其極的企圖,但是,值此「怎麼看,怎麼聽,怎麼說,我們必須也終於在極喧鬧中,嘗試尋找靜默,看一切灰飛湮滅,只為了復活,在死蔭幽谷中,誰怕寂寞」這亦是歌者羅大佑在思索 “美麗島”的系列曲譜中,對於「寧靜溫泉」回歸的審思。在一個2007年的春日,我造訪在史丹福大學偌大領域裡的傑斯柏嶺生態保育區研究站,不是為了去採訪一棟造型別緻,向陽蝴蝶展翼形屋頂的新建築,而是在此棟建築完成,並且足足使用了四年多以後,去印證在當初建造之前的綠建築理念是否真正足夠「永續」的一棟活生生的健康建築物。研究站的執行總監菲利浦可恩博士(Dr. Philippe Cohen)直接問道我造訪的主旨,當然,我對於保育區內科學家所進行的生態微環境投射在全球氣候變遷影響的研究有絕對的興趣,但是我更對這棟研究站建築物,由美籍台灣裔孫先生所捐贈的,以永續觀念為出發的校園建築有更重要的渴望及興緻。

當然,JRBP的萊斯理‧孫研究站 (Leslie Shao-Ming Sun Field Station) 達成了期待值零的碳排放量,採光上在白晝完全無須人為照明,兩萬兩千瓦的太陽能電池板面完全是由電腦控制調節,並足夠回收並釋放返回到電路電源系統中;而太陽能的暖氣系統也可以足夠在地中海型氣候的金山灣區的冬季,承負起暖氣所需量約六至八成的需求;在澈底減低石化能源需求上,玻璃窗面除了篩光、散光、除光,提供相當的光線條件上,因為屋頂的特殊空間桁架設計,如同帆船纜索的大跨度承載,將結構體內空間隔牆完全解放開來,加上使用了在史丹福校園其他建築物中所重新淘選,以舊傳新的百年磚塊,及從建築基地不遠處的鄉鎮中拆屋過程中所回收的紅木材,改為用在外牆的木質面,並且桌椅、櫥櫃也是從校園其他建築中汰舊換新搶救回來的舊品,更加上V字形屋頂承接雨水所提供的完整水資源運用,倒也完完全全地塑造了一個自給自足,有完整本土智慧與環境調和,有自明性的自然環境永續建築原型經驗。

「永續建築」、「綠建築」的造型取向應該不是拘泥在古典或是現代的爭執上,其實,綠建築也並非以造型為意念的啟始。在資訊導向的時代,在生態為基礎的環保觀念上,綠建築應該是客觀甚於主觀,資訊 (Informational)甚於實體 (Physical Environment),包容 (Holistic) 甚於強行介入 (Interjection),減少歐陸白種人中心意識 (Euro-Centralism)而且是更為尊重文化變異及歧異性 (Culture Diversity)的。綠建築如同環境保育一般,是一種生活態度,而態度的來源是哲學、宗教,如同信仰般的執著與力量在導向。我臆想在莊子眼中的千年枯木,草原大川所給予他的自然啟示,逍遙境地,讓他在探索天籟、地籟及人籟的邊緣上,無入而不自得的如魚得水,而從傑斯柏嶺JRBP 的綠建築面向當中,我也希望一個新的追尋及健康的地球,能緩速人為疏失所造成造化轉折,所形成無法換回的演化。


Blogger archidrama said...

家, 國, 天下-- 親訪摯友 毋須長途跋涉!
The Road To A Friend’s House Is Never Long!!!

建築師 賀昌申 Kenneth Huo Architect/安瑟頓 Atherton, California USA

近數月來,「城裡面」議論紛紛(The Talk Of The Town),或許我們該說,在這兩個國家間─一者為全球最富裕,另一為太平洋彼岸,世界上最快崛起的十數億人口舌耳目最關切的話題,乃是胡錦濤訪美一事。「家」是比爾蓋茲在西雅圖華盛頓湖濱的家,「國」是胡國家主席的中國,「天下」卻不確定是布希、胡,或是微軟的天下,在此21世紀網際科技網路與國族民主資源依舊是時戰時歇的狀態下。

在新聞媒體吹風助長下,美國以「小動作」使胡無法接受到「國家元首級」的所謂最高禮儀接待,是為話題,而不以「國宴」相待,卻在科技巨擘蓋茲的美國西北海岸太平洋山居式 (Pacific Lodge) 的家,為胡作為首站的接風洗塵,依我個人感受,卻有極為正面、不凡的時代意義。 依傳媒披露,在首日接風的家宴當中,胡稱讚BillGates比爾為「中國之友」,並自詡為微軟的忠實使用者,蓋茲隨即回覆,若胡在用電腦視窗遭遇問題,他願為之效勞來解決,這令我不禁想起那句丹麥俗諺:「The Road To A Friend’s House Is Never Long.」(親訪摯友,毋須長途跋涉!)在中國與世界接軌的時刻,確實需要諸多天涯若比鄰的好友提攜及甚至於最善意的友情承諾!挾持著市場經濟13億人口強勢,一出手下訂單即可壓過微軟過去五年盈收的「大食客」胡錦濤,並非科技官僚出身,傳言是他史丹福畢業的女婿茅某牽上的線。而做為「孟嘗君」的BillGate,除了富可敵國的財帛,辦起小家宴派對皆須動用美國國安當局(Home Land Security)維護華盛頓湖濱數哩範圍的監控,這種層級的豪氣,卻是除了電腦,大股生物科技投資以外,在樹立一個慈善家典型,熱情投入第三世界傳染性疾病防治救援醫療研究基金派發以外,對精神層面的探索,更重於物質享受渴求的21世紀文明人!「好東西與好朋友分享」,至少這個孟嘗君與食客之間的相互關係,比起在白宮裡面偽君子的官式語言,可以給胡錦濤了解的美國及突破中南海封閉的世界觀 (World view) 上,有正面的教育性意義。

對於這個美國西北太平洋海岸山居(Pacific Lodge)比爾蓋茲BillGates的「家」,坊間的傳言及報導,皆針對「豪宅」、「大,小」、「耗費」種種庸俗的觀念來審視這位全球首富對住屋的要求,但依我想來,並且在實質上,把這棟家屋與路易十四的皇宮來聯想及相比,除了迂腐八股之外,並不盡然。選擇西雅圖的LakeWashington畔,仁者樂山,智者樂水,BillGates是一個真正渴求自然主義,遊走山林,傾聽心靈交響樂章的雅士。這棟住宅的建築樣式,並沒有絕對明顯的美學定位,卻因著材質及風土地理,被簡約歸納為PacificLodge或是WroughtWoodStructure,我姑且稱之為山棧樓形式,粗原木造建築。這棟住宅的建築師JamesCutler詹姆士卡特勒是一個內歛保守,毫不張揚的建築師,在U.Penn賓夕凡尼亞大學時師承20世紀最有名的現代主義建築師Louis Kahn(路易士.康),盤旋在自然主義視覺精神形而上的簡約制衡,在宣言建築理念是「上帝存在於構造的細節當中」(God Is In The Detail)以外,更澄清「上帝基本上實存於材料本質之內」(God is in the material) 的信仰者!


James Cutler詹姆士卡特勒建築師的空間經驗及表現中,可以真正給胡一次教育,即是:堆金如土,毋須經由巧取豪奪,也不需要粉飾表面;對環境自然的尊重,對山、川、土、石,乃至於有生命的樹木材質的愛遠遠勝過”農業學大寨”,”工業學大慶”,”土法煉鋼”,三峽水壩工程的暴力做法;愛惜人類,珍視人權,視鄰如己,必須先熱愛擁抱這個世界,才能真正拯救蒼生。對於生命,無論是一己的或是10億百姓的,我們何其富足宣稱我們的「使用權」,而並非「擁有權」,因此我們胡主席必須正本清源地在意這個知識產權的尊重,不致於惡搞破壞了規矩及好友情誼。

建築師 賀昌申 Kenneth Huo Architect/安瑟頓 Atherton, California USA



5:06 PM  
Blogger archidrama said...

Mutation of the Century, Droplets Lane Survival

- Green-oriented architecture and Stanford University, California Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Leslie Shao-Ming Sun Field Station Sustainable Construction Documentaries

/Kenneth Huo, Atherton, California

Subject headings :

In the United States west coast of Northern California in San Francisco end of the southwest side of the peninsula, attached to Stanford University, Education research-oriented Jieshibai Ridge conservation areas (JRBP. called the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve), Venturi grassland alleviate the landscape, located in the coastal mountain range dense redwood jungle, the base of about 1,200 hectare. Macro view, and perhaps a few centuries ago Hispanic sea levy course the New World, landing from Jinmen Bay Path southbound explore seen, and so far century, we call Silicon Valley (Silicon Valley) initiation, Semiconductor to the invention, by e-Generation, DOT-COM the digital data completely change human civilization life, create new breed of "adventure capitalist" (Venture Capitalist), change little. However, the micro perspective, from the precision of scientific research, from the chaos of natural fluctuation, the face of extreme climate change intensity and the frequency of change, global warming greenhouse gas emissions can not stop them. outside the industrial countries with economies in transition to energy starvation, in any way (Local) multiplied by the public, sustainable development, and from a small ecological model for the conservation of biological environment, land hydrological welfare is urgent and necessary.

Heart cesura mad, hysterical Lime is, I think that is.

In 2002, When Stanford University in consideration for Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve areas do research work of scientists and scholars who study the construction of a Field Station, in order not to cause environmental and architectural use conflicts reduce conservation zones on the original capacity of the mother land, for the construction and physical function in the construction and use of sustainable and will deliver natural habitat of wisdom and self-explanatory, in the process of planning for what has been an immigrant, resident is Atherton adventure capitalists - businessman Mr. Sun (Tony Sun) apprehended. and the completion of a floor area of 13,200 square feet, with a total cost of 3.29 million dollars and can be reached in the annual energy consumption of carbon emission values of the Green Building zero pollution, Fortunately Stanford University researchers, students and the world of ecological conservation to study the most sophisticated of a scientist, In the ensuing generations of this can be punishable by Mr. Sun commemorate the death from cancer of his wife, and in the name of his wife's name, "Leslie Shao-Ming Sun Field Station - Sun Field Station to study human race and ponder over the long-term existence of a big issue.

For our mother earth, the reverence for the land and care For us to suit the 24 Solar Terms of climate change habits of life concept, We strive to build is an ideological transformation process. LoTaYou 2004 "Formosa” CD works, stated clearly that he is his health education to his mother in Taiwan, "... all the voice attributed to the achievements of this land (Taiwan), because only by so doing, can be collected from her nutrient years later, That re-bred we owe her (Taiwan) common ownership! "Because Paradise Lost, because utopia destroyed, because in 2006 the Songliao Basin of Northeast China sudden major water pollution, Ukraine, in 1986, Connaught car explosion than a nuclear power plant reactor melt-down with, the countries of Southeast Asia's bird flu epidemic global warming, water, snow, between mankind and nature of the interaction is Zhuang-zi "Luk Army, fish at the landing phase. This will phase in wet, But this is better forgetfulness in the shadows "of the firms are interdependent. Not to mention the Earth, the shaking hands of mother earth as a negative for the fresh interest, We have not succumbed to oil-producing countries and the world political situation in the volatile deserted excuses We are ready to face the only, and upgrade protection, cherish the sense of mission, the search for therapeutic environment and the construction of behavior, mistakes of the past will be a green building, sustainable development cycle, which would "capture" to "re-colonial" "centralized" to "fragmented" and "passive" to "active", "artificial" push back "natural" human existence may be in the memory for future generations of responsibility, the people scoundrel, to music, we will be able to re-release period voice.

Earth goes, the natural gas Well, as contained in Zhuangzi "I said to contain bulk form, the I hygiene, Lost my old. "So is Chanchanmianmian, noble partner, the mother and son relationship in general, Although earth was chaos between the original place of the existence of evolution, in which there is an unexpected cut QiQiao. nothing very attempt, but the occasion of "how, how to listen to and how that we must finally in a very noisy. try to find the quiet, do everything was wiped out, only to resurrect, in the shadow of death valley. Who Pajimo "This also explains the song in question" beautiful island "series of music scores, for the "quiet spa" reversion examine. In a spring of 2007, I visited Stanford University in the huge field of Jieshibai Ecological Conservation Area Ridge Research Station, not to interview a modeling chic, downtown Zhanyi butterfly-shaped roof of the new building, but in this historic building is completed, and full use for more than four years, to confirm the original construction of the Green before the architectural concept is really enough "sustainable" living a healthy buildings. Field Station of the Executive Director, Dr. Philippe Cohen) asked me directly visit The main purpose, of course, I conserve scientists conducted by the micro-ecological environment director of the global climate change impact study is absolutely interested, However, I stand for president, research buildings, Taiwan-American descendants donated by the President. sustainable in the sense of starting construction of the campus is more important hope and spirits.

Of course, JRBP Leslie Shao Ming Sun Field reached the expected value of zero carbon emissions, the light on in the daytime there is no need artificial lighting, 22,000 kilowatt solar panel surface is entirely under computer control regulation, and adequate recovery and release back to circuit power system; and the solar heating system can also enough in the Mediterranean-type climate Jinshan Bay Area winter Heating required to assume about 60% to 80% of the demand; Petrochemical dramatic reduction in energy demand, in addition to window-screen light, astigmatism, - except for the very light conditions, because of the special roof truss design space, as cable yacht bearing a large-span, Spatial structure of the body wall to complete the liberation of open and with the use of the Stanford campus in other buildings as Amoy re-election to the old-new century brick, and from the construction site not far from the villages and towns demolished by the recovery process of the red wood, switch to the external surface of the wood and furniture, cupboards but also from other campus buildings to replace outdated save the old goods, more on the V shaped roof to undertake rainwater for the integrity of water use but it's totally built a self-sufficient, wisdom and integrity of the local environment to reconcile, a self-evident in the natural environment of sustainable construction prototype experience.

"Sustainable Architecture", "Green Building" modeling approach should not be limited to the classical or modern disputes, in fact, Green Building is not to form ideas for the initiation. In the information-oriented era, the ecological basis for the concept of environmental protection, green building should be objective very subjective, Information (Informational) in the very entities (Physical Environmen t), inclusive (Holistic) are very involved in the forcible (Interjection) reduce European white consciousness of the center (Euro-Centralism) but are more respect for cultural variation and differences (Culture Diversity). Green Building as environmental conservation in general, is a life attitude, and attitude is a source of philosophy, religion, As the persistent belief as the direction and strength. I act in the eyes of the Millennium Zhuangzi trees, grassland big river gave him a natural inspiration and easy state, allowed him to explore voice, music and the people to the brink of music, no entry without posture fits, From Jasper Ridge Green Building JRBP-oriented architecture, I hope the search for a new and healthy planet, Retarded man-made mistakes can be caused by good fortune turning point, not formed by the evolution of exchange.

3:58 PM  
Blogger archidrama said...


4:21 PM  

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