Breakaway - Taiwanese Architecture, Diaspora?
台灣. 建築- 選擇性記憶,遺忘與流移
Social & Cultural Identity of Taiwanese Architecture in the Realm of 21 Century
建築師 賀昌申 Kenneth Huo
Architectural Diaspora
Contemplating...History, Geography, Cultural Identity
Taiwan was inhabited by aborigines of Malayan descent when Chinese from the areas now designated as Fukien and Kwangtung began settling it in the 7th century, becoming the majority. The Portuguese explored the area in 1590, naming it “the Beautiful” (Formosa). In 1624 the Dutch set up forts in the south, the Spanish in the north. The Dutch forced out the Spanish in 1641 and controlled the island until 1661, when Chinese general Koxinga took it over and established an independent kingdom. The Manchus seized the island in 1683 and held it until 1895, when it passed to Japan after the first Sino-Japanese War. Japan developed and exploited Formosa. It was the target of heavy American bombing during World War II, and at the close of the war the island was restored to China.
After the defeat of its armies on the mainland, the Nationalist government of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan in Dec. 1949. Chiang dominated the island, even though only 15% of the population consisted of the 1949 immigrants, the Kuomintang. He maintained a 600,000-man army in the hope of eventually recovering the mainland. Beijing viewed the Taiwanese government with suspicion and anger, referring to Taiwan as a breakaway province of China.The UN seat representing all of China was held by the Nationalists for over two decades before being lost in Oct. 1971, when the People's Republic of China was admitted and Taiwan was forced to abdicate its seat to Beijing.Chiang died at 87 of a heart attack on April 5, 1975.
His son, Chiang Ching-kuo, continued as prime minister and was a dominant figure in the Taipei regime. In April 1991, President Lee Teng-hui formally declared an end to emergency rule, which had existed since Chiang's forces originally occupied the island. In the first full election in many decades, the governing Kuomintang in Dec. 1991 won 71% of the vote, affirming the island's opposition to reunification with China. In Feb. 1993 the president, himself a native Taiwanese, nominated Lien Chan, another native, to be prime minister, marking a further generational shift away from the mainland exiles.Democracy?In the island's first free presidential election, voters defied mainland intimidation and gave 54% of the vote to incumbent president Lee Teng-hui.
In 1998, Taiwan renewed its push for a separate UN seat—its sixth attempt in recent years. The move has been blocked each time by the Beijing government.President Lee Teng-hui rankled mainland China by announcing in July 1999 that he was abandoning the longstanding “One China” policy that had kept the peace between the small island and its powerful neighbor and that he would from then on deal with China on a “state-to-state basis.”
China, which had vowed to someday unite Taiwan with the mainland, retaliated by conducting submarine warfare exercises and missile tests near the island in an effort to intimidate its tiny brazen neighbor, as it had once before in 1996.In the March 2000 presidential race, voters elected pro-independence candidate Chen Shui-bian of the Democratic Progressive Party, ending more than 50 years of Nationalist rule.Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization in Jan. 2002, just one day after China gained entry. In August President Chen outraged China when he asserted that Taiwan and China are separate countries and that a referendum on independence for Taiwan is a “basic human right.”The day before the March 20, 2004, elections, President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Annette Lu survived an assassination attempt.
Chen won the election over Lien Chan by just 30,000 votes out of 13 million cast. The country's first-ever referendum failed because less than 50% of eligible voters weighed in on its questions. The referendum asked if Taiwan should arm itself with additional defensive weapons if China does not withdraw its missiles and if Taiwan should continue to negotiate with China.Tension between China and Taiwan intensified in March 2005, when China passed an antisecession law that said the country could use force if Taiwan moved toward achieving independence. “The state shall employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the legislation stated. Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian called the bill a “law of aggression.” Hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese took to the streets to protest the bill.In 2005, China met with several Taiwanese opposition leaders in an effort to undermine Taiwan's defiant president.
Lien Chan, who heads the opposition Nationalist Party, traveled to China in April and met with President Hu Jintao. It was the first meeting between Nationalist and Communist Party leaders since 1949, when the defeated Nationalists retreated to Taiwan. Lien called the visit a “journey of peace.” In May, Hu met with another opposition leader, James Soong, chairman of the People First Party. In a joint communiqué intended to restart negotiations between Taiwan and China, they agreed to a principle of “two sides of the strait, one China.”President Chen tested China in February 2006, when he announced that he was rescinding the National Unification Council, a group that was established in 1990 to deal with reunification issues with China. He stopped short of abolishing the council, saying, “Taiwan has no intention of changing the status quo.”
Architectural Dispora...
新大地 ─江流天地外,山色有無中
從 1920 的北平胡同,到 1960 的東海建築,以至於2006 的金山蟄居, 陳先生 的生命尺度是「俯仰皆宇宙,不樂復如何」的天地,是「以個人之小應天地之大,頓悟便是淨化」的心境,是「橫塘」的遼闊,是「江山萬里圖」的從容,是張大千及八大山人以小見大的企圖,是「覆杯水於幼堂之上則芥為之舟,朝菌不知晦朔,惠蛄不知春秋」的豪邁,是莊子逍遙遊開宗明義,大鵬鳥與蜩、鳩、小鳥之對談,談的是「天」的高度!
作為一個陳先生的建築後輩,在台灣出生、成長,再到西方接受建築教育的洗禮,我出生的年代,正是陳其寬先生在東海成立建築系,設計出絕無僅有,依舊是為所有台灣建築學子,津津樂道,第一棟把台灣建築搬上世界級建築舞台的─路思義教堂,是陳其寬先生與貝聿銘把酒論劍的年代!在建築執業的領域裡,建築師們夢想的尺度是「大」及對「大」相關的企圖,介於名與利之間的擺盪,頃觀在台灣知名的建築師事務所,皆銜蓋「大」的命名,諸如:「大涵」、「大仁」、「大元」、「大硯」、大、大、大!陳其寬先生以其中央大學建築系、IIT 伊利諾理工學院、 哈佛及麻省理工學院研究及教學的經歷,理當頂「大名」,享「天下」滿貫;但或許就因為他俯仰宇宙的心性,反倒是他與貝聿銘先生在路思義教堂的設計名銜上,他確切地、始終地表現了「白首相知猶按劍」的風範。亦這是如同張藝謀在電影「英雄」中,塑造出無名(李連杰飾演),很清晰地回答了這個公「天下」的問題!而我認為這是陳其寬先生在空間造境之外,可以頓悟繪畫領悟中的一種大包含容忍!
陳其寬先生在六○年代最最出名的一系列水墨畫作,大猴子抱著小猴,毋與子相互包含,是大家眼熟能詳共有的集體記憶,依照美術學界將此系列作品與同時期知名的空間雕塑名家亨奇摩爾 (Henry Moore) 的作品,題名為「唐吉訶德的頭盔」 做一排比,確實在形體的延續上,有神似之處,但依我虛心認為其實在意念上,陳先生實質上深刻表達的乃是在 60 年代, 依其一個東方人,在歐美建築學界, 極端白種男性,歐陸粗獷建築表現主義的環境裡,一種寂靜地面對玻璃天花板 (Glass Ceil-ing) 桎梏,一種 在種族歧見不平等 的條件下, 意圖在西方社區 的建築專業領域中,運作包容,天人合一的中國傳統理念,一種實實在在唐吉訶德式的勇猛─知其不可而為之,面對一個東方人、東方建築師,在西方設計專業領域裡,意圖衝破亙古亙以來,天下不公,階級歧見條件之下,不得不的一種隱盾。
值此,我無意將陳其寬先生的建築、藝術生涯,掛上牽強的時政之喻或是增添藝術最基本,無關俗世羈絆的複雜向度,但無奈在 40 年後的今天,一個多世代之後 的我輩建築藝術同儕,實質上依舊是為了同等級的社會、文化掙扎而奮鬥,作為一個建築師,陳其寬先生的藝術胸懷令他超越我們一般人,他的包容出發點,減低了他名與利之間生存的擺盪,他遠遠超過三島由紀夫 (Yukio Mishima) 指陳 「有時慾望隱藏在看不見的地方,但它並未死滅,就像破籬笆上的玫瑰,仍然活著」的藝術掙扎,三島由紀夫的金閣寺中,那醜怪的和尚因情欲衝突,竟然一把火焚燒「美」,陳其寬自述幼時目睹「火燒古城」等類似的經驗,但那火紅的景象,卻啟發而轉化成為他心目中通天的晚霞,他依附著在藝術的領域中登了高峰,盤住了青龍!這無疑是他接近川端康成,而不像三島,剛柔並濟,俠骨柔情的另一種超越!
建築作為一種宗教,在陳其寬的建築理念裡,是表達的淋漓盡致的!1960 年代,當東海路思義教堂在台中大度山上奠基的同時期,也是遠在花蓮的證嚴上人形塑慈濟文化志業「柔」性社會文化改革的當時。從路思義教堂到慈濟靜思堂,從西方的 Bucky Fuller 富勒薄殼式的混凝建築試驗 到東方宗教表現清水混凝土 馬賽克的亞熱帶佛教建築遮蔽所「吾不如老農,吾不如老圃」,其實這是一種超時代意義,在本土深植紮根,蘊育下一代,呵護孵養,如同鵬鳥照扶下一代的襟懷,陳大師的宗教建築家情懷,讓我臆想他呵護的東海路思義教堂薄殼建築,幻化為蛋殼及嗷嗷的芻鳥,陳先生變成了孵蛋學家,而他所扶育的可能是鵬,亦或是鳩鳥。
晚近陳其寬大師的作品中除了宗教的繪畫問度以外,又更深一層地表達了 90 年代 以降解構主義及上世紀末回歸 Spiritual (精神性),對 21 世紀稍稍呈現的 一種莫名的惶恐,這當中,當然絕對沒有儒家的八股,盡情盡性充滿了道家仙風道骨的優遊,甚至於加入了不少 sci-fi 科學幻想的色彩及表現! 作品中不但讓人 感受到了類似雲南重彩、蠟染、非常「南方」的情調,空間的變幻是絕然建築的,但是題裁上、追求上卻又跨越了介於西班牙超現實主義達利畫作,或是「秦始皇尋覓海上仙島」般飄渺,易經、方壺術氣功抑或是藏傳佛教,鑑真和尚的美術傳達,一種玄妙的美感!無論咫尺天涯,畫卷西風,或是把酒論劍,空間造境,陳其寬先生所描繪的「新大地」的可觀絕非是我筆墨之間可以界定的,而我尊從的大師前輩典範是清清楚楚地給了我,不能只做個冷漠的旁觀者的道德勇氣與無盡的啟發。新大地意味著新生的大地是一個新的生命、是一個江流天地外,山色有無中的新境界!
建築師 賀昌申 Kenneth Huo, AIA/艾塞頓 Atherton, California USA
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